Sunday, November 30, 2008


By pointing fingers, I feel like we're school children arguing about a lost wicket.

In my mind, (and please disagree if you think so) terrorists have no home. They're so blinded by hate that words like homeland, family, culture and heritage don't really mean anything.

Apparently India is claiming that the gunman in custody is tied to a Pakistani group...I'm wondering whether this really is a statement that the Indian government has made or a tagline that the media created to get my click as I was accessing my Yahoo! mail...


Anonymous said...

It's interesting that people aren't pointing a finger at Pakistan, as much as our politicians are...there is a change in's a time of introspection. And we need to clean out our country first.

Anonymous said...

The media loves playing into the versus game. It did get your click because it was provocative...I guess just like this post is.

Amruta said...

i dont understand what the indian govt is tryin to prove by getting pakistan to accept that the terrorists are pakistanis? What happens after they accept it? the fault was ours! what were our intelligence agencies doin whn pakistan was planning all this?! pointing fingers will not get us anywhere, accept your fault and come up with a solution to the problem instead of wasting time on these useless matters.