Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Where in the World is Arundhati Roy?

While jogging today I realized something. By now, every two-bit politician, actor, police chief, even yours truly has gone on television and radio to give our two cents about the recent Mumbai terror attacks. But why haven't we heard from India's Dissident Laureate, the anti-corporatist, anti-colonialist, anti-everything Arundhati Roy?

Fear not, dear readers. We looked under every soap box in the land and found the following reactions from Ms. Roy. I warn you, in true Roy fashion, the author picks quite a few fights with her views (just read the comments posted below the video), but I have to say I'm leaning more towards her judgment than Sukhetu Mehta's call for us to retaliate to the attacks by spending more money at the Oberoi Shopping Arcade (for those of you who favor Mr. Mehta's approach, the Arcade reopened this week).

LISTEN: "India has become a more cruel country."
(Start at around minute 2:45)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For all those seeking to "understand" what "they" want and why "they" are doing this, here are some insights:

this is an ideology. "grievances" are mere distractors and justifiers...moderates and liberals must rise up and speak out against this ideology to protect their children and religion and the state must stand up and punish those who would wage war against it