Friday, November 28, 2008


Has Mumbai become a pawn in a larger political chess game? And who are these players? 

Send us your thoughts


Anonymous said...

Modi seems to be leveraging the recent attacks in his favor...It's more his own political chess game in that sense...but on a larger scale, I don't know...The fact that the Indian govt is still so clueless makes me wonder what they do or don't know...and what they won't say...

RJ said...

Anonymous said...

Arrested Terrorist reveals all to the police

psm said...

Mumbai being an epicenter of global business, and now India being a regional nuclear power, it has historically been a player in the larger chess games.

Thomas Friedman had written a book 10 years ago about Globalization, and its dark side being nation-less militia/terrorist/guerrilla groups. This seems in that vein. Where they are carrying British, Mauritian, and other passports. Possibly having entered Mumbai via the Pakistan-India smuggling route. Named after the Deccan, and funded by ___? Maybe they are all hired guns and all have different agendas as well, and that is why there is no news coming out about who they really are and what they really want. Anyway, they clearly have some military training.

The attackers killed Mumbaikars at VT and the road bombings, American Jews at Nariman House, and the International elite at the two hotels. The fact that we have been watching Live broadcasts on CNN all Thanksgiving Weekend clearly shows that it was planned to gain the attention of the American mass public. (Why Thanksgiving instead of an Indian holiday? Jews are such a small minority in India that they have never been targeted in Indian ethnic struggles for thousands of years since the Bene Israel left King Solomon's court.) That plus yesterday's intercut message from Al-Qaeda on CNN makes me think this is meant to prepare/tease us to re-enter Afghanistan and raise international approval now that the Iraq War's approval is below 25%.

First of all, there is so much conflicting news coming out that I am having a hard time pin-pointing what is fact and what is conjecture. The Australian eyewitnesses at Leopold said that the 3 shooters there were blonde, foreign-looking "goras" with punk hairdos. Then one of the attackers was arrested from the Taj and said that they were the Deccan Mujehaddin, who no one in the intelligence community has heard of, and wanted release of Muslim prisoners. This was mentioned once and never again. Then at one point a CNN correspondent said they were Palestinian. Then the CNN host argued with Deepak Chopra that he is just assuming they are muslim. The coverage is ALL over the place. The whole thing resembles "Batman" -- the boat, the hospital, the Joker laughing after opening fire at VT station.

We would assume that this is about Kashmir. However, one terrorism expert said that attacks like these have occurred in Baghdad but never before in India. Which again leads me to believe this is to tease India into attacking Pakistan (which the u.s. has already been bombing for the last 2 months) and entering the War in Iraq & Afghanistan. Another theory circulating is that the Pakistani military doesn't want to bomb their own people but has been bombing the guerrillas. So the guerrillas are trying to get India to bomb Pakistan, thereby unifying the Pakistani people, guerrillas, and military against their old enemy.

The war in Iraq/Afghanistan is only adding oil to the fire in the entire region. India has stayed OUT until this point. And Indian citizens hired as MERCENARIES (again, nation-less and run by corporations) have been working in the war. A few years ago I joked with someone that we would outsource the War, and that's exactly what we ended up doing. (See "Iraq for Sale") If America "exits", whose military is going to protect oil interests of BP, Shell, Exxon, and Mobil? Which we have re-acquired after 30 years and Indian companies were not allowed to bid on. If we don't have enough American soldiers serving there, who's going to pick up the ball on Afghanistan/Pakistan? India.

So I think rather than a "pawn", it's a move to get India to play "Queen", already having a military presence in the region.

Anyway, this is reason number 3 why I was against the Iraq War in the beginning -- that it would only in the long run lead to more violence & divisiveness in the subcontinent.

The whole thing has given me the Bombay Blues. The most consoling thing after hearing 3 days of crazy news from Mumbai is listening to some melancholy indian classical music. It really speaks to the soul & makes sense at these moments. and I wonder if there will ever be a solution or if we will just end up dropping nukes on our ancient civilizations.

Coordinator of the Printernet Project said...

My take is that all terrorist attacks every where on the planet are part of a larger political game.

Whether it's crime in the streets of NY, suicide bombers in Isreal, or Taliban in Afghanistan/Pakistan/India.

Given how small the world is and how easy to communicate across the lines in the sand we call borders, it's a feature of the world becoming.

To fix it, it has to be fixed on all the levels that go into it's creation. The sources are always the same, lack of hope, fearm then hatred of the Other. It just plays out differently on the globe, in the nation, in cities, in neighborhoods.